Package org.datamanager.constraint

Provides the interfaces and classes for Constraints.


Interface Summary
Constraint A marker interface serving as the supertype of all constraints, whether for entities or for events, or for any other set of objects someone may choose to add in future.
EntityConstraint Constraints define a set of entities.
EventConstraint Constraints define a set of events.

Class Summary
AndEntityConstraint AndEntityConstraint matches all entities that match both of the EntityConstraints given to it in its constructor.
AndEventConstraint AndEventConstraint matches all events that match both of the EventConstraints given to it in its constructor.
AttributeExistsConstraint Filter out Entities that have an attribute which satisifies a given EntityConstraint.
AttributeNameContainsConstraint Selects for Entities which have attributes of a specified name which contain a specified string.
AttributeNameEqualsConstraint Selects for Entities which have attributes of a specified name which equal a specified string.
AttributeStringMatchConstraint Selects for Entities which have attributes of a specified name which match a specified string.
BaseExistsConstraint Filter out Entities that have a base which satisifies a given EntityConstraint.
DateValueRangeConstraint Matches a DateEntityValue with a range described by two Date.
EntityEqualsConstraint Check to see if a given Entity is equal to another.
EventContainsEntityConstraint This EventConstraint describes a subset of Entity-containing events that are described by a given EntityConstraint.
EventTypeIsConstraint Checks to see if the type of a DataManagerEvent is valid or not.
NameContainsConstraint Check to see if the name of an Entity contains a given String.
NameEqualsConstraint Check the name of an Entity.
NameEqualsIgnoringCaseConstraint Check the name of an Entity and ignore case.
NotEntityConstraint Logical Not for EntityConstraints.
NotEventConstraint Logical Not for EventConstraints.
OrEntityConstraint OrEntityConstraint takes two EntityConstraints in its constructor.
OrEventConstraint OrEventConstraint takes two EventConstraints in its constructor.
RecursiveOrEntityConstraint Selects entities out of the Pool whose Attribute Entities may satisfy the constraint as well.
StringValueContainsConstraint Matches a StringEntityValue with any given String.
StringValueMatchesConstraint Matches a StringEntityValue with a given regular expression.
ValueClassIsConstraint Check to see if the class type of an Entity's value is the same, or a subtype, of a specified class.
ValueEqualsConstraint Check whether the value of an Entity is the same as a given value.
ValueInRangeConstraint See if the value of an Entity is within a specific range.

Package org.datamanager.constraint Description

Provides the interfaces and classes for Constraints. Constraints are an extremely flexible mechanism for filtering Entities and Events.

See the Helium Website