Package org.datamanager.passiveentityvalue

Provides EntityValue classes for Entities that are stored in a passive fashion: that which was stored is that which will be retrieved.


Interface Summary
NumericEntityValue NumericEntityValue is an interface that provides for a common working all numerical types, that is rational numbers, integers, and whatever else we can come up with.
PassiveEntityValue This interface defines the behaviour of all EntityValues that are static (that is, non-active).

Class Summary
BooleanEntityValue An EntityValue holding a Boolean object.
ByteArrayEntityValue An EntityValue wrapping an array of bytes.
DateEntityValue Objects of this class hold a Date and can be stored in an Entity as they are EntityValues.
DoubleEntityValue DoubleEntityValue should give us all the functionality we need for working with double values.
EmailMessageFlagsEntityValue Objects of this class store various email message flags and can be stored in Entities as they are EntityValues.
EmailParametersEntityValue This class represents the various JavaMail email account configuration settings for a user's email account.
GuiLayoutEntityValue The GuiLayoutEntityValue will keep the Layout of each JPanel in the EmailGuiCollectorSimpletion
IntegerEntityValue IntegerEntityValue should give us all the functionality we need for working with integer values.
LoadableSimpletonEntityValue An EntityValue that represents a Simpleton that can be loaded by encapsulating a Simpleton.Information.aof the
NullEntityValue Objects of this class are the default values of newly created Entities.
NumberEntityValue NumberEntityValue is an abstract parent class for Double- and IntegerEntityValues.
ObjectEntityValue Objects of this class hold an Object and can be stored in an Entity as they are EntityValues.
PasswordEntityValue This class encapsulates the String representation of a password.
StringEntityValue This EntityValue wraps the String class, providing most of the methods available to an actual Java String through a PassiveEntityValue type.
VectorEntityValue Objects of this class wrap java.util.Vector objects.
WordFrequencyMapEntityValue This class maintains a Map of words mapped to their numerical frequencies of occurrence within a given Document.

Package org.datamanager.passiveentityvalue Description

Provides EntityValue classes for Entities that are stored in a passive fashion: that which was stored is that which will be retrieved. EntityValues are the data of the system while Entities are the data holder.

See Also:

See the Helium Website